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Critic Reviews of Mr Smith Goes to Washington

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) Poster

10 /10

A National Treasure

James Stewart and Frank Capra. One needn't know much more going in to be assured that this will be an enjoyable picture show. Together they have on the Washington elite with this dramatic comedy about a naïve Washington outsider who gets appointed to the Senate and stands alone against abuse and graft. Jefferson Smith (James Stewart) is appointed from an unnamed land after one of its Senators dies. He is appointed considering the political fatty cats need someone who will not seem like a crony, but who will not stand in the manner of a graft scheme for a pork barrel dam that will make bigwig Jim Taylor (Edward Arnold) millions. When the wide eyed Smith gets to Washington, he discovers the decadent neb because the dam will stand in the way of his own proposed bill for a children's camp. When he tries to stop the projection, Taylor'due south political machine frames him to brand information technology seem similar he is the one taking graft. This leads to the dramatic confrontation in the Senate, where Smith filibusters in an attempt to get the truth out.

This film is wonderful in and then many ways. The story is a classic struggle between skillful and evil. In typical Capra mode, the protagonist and antagonists are exaggerated so at that place is no defoliation as to who are the expert guys and who are the bad guys. If there is one clear bulletin in Capra's films it is that those with strong moral cobweb never give up promise. He likes to create utterly hopeless situations for characters to test their integrity, and rewards unswerving adherence to basic values and principles by triumph against the odds.

I was dismayed to run across a comment, patently from a young viewer of this moving-picture show, that said that the characters weren't realistic because no one used profanity. This is a sad testimonial to our culture, when it inconceivable to young people that there was once a time when profanity was the exception and not the rule.

Stewart is brilliant as the idealistic and awe struck child from the backwoods who is overwhelmed by the glory of Washington, with its monuments and history. The story brings us a confrontation between political expediency and idealistic principles with the message that the truly smashing men are the ones that don't compromise their principles to concur on to power. Stewart besides brings a whole treasure chest of bumbling comedic sight gags that make him all the more lovable in the function.

Jean Arthur is fabulous equally the tough and savvy assistant who is jaded by Washington politics, but gets a fresh injection of fervor as she listens to Smith'south noble homespun philosophies. Claude Rains is also masterful as the adulterated Senator, who sold his soul to corruption for a adventure at the presidency. He plays the simultaneous sense of guilt and ambition with a torment that is conspicuously ripping his middle out, and the power of both emotions portrayed in his performance makes his graphic symbol both repugnant and pitiable.

This film is a national treasure. It is in my meridian l listing of all time. The story of corruption in politics and the greatness of the men who resist it is timeless and would not be lost on the politicians in Washington today. A x/x.

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Want to Get Your View Across? Why Non Delay?

The media and those in Washington, D.C. cringed in 1939 when Frank Capra (Oscar-nominated for directing) come out with "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington". Capra, fresh off amazing successes like "Lady for a Mean solar day", "Information technology Happened One Nighttime", "Mr. Deeds Goes to Boondocks", "Lost Horizon" and "Y'all Can't Have It With You", used his power to slap some bigwigs in the face with a powerful medium---the movement picture. The result was an firsthand backfire by publications and politicians, but cheers from critics and the audience. As with society, the critics and the masses won out equally the movie is a masterpiece in every way. A U.Due south. Senate vacancy leads to a dilemma. Who should exist put in office? Everyone believes the manifestly naive and gullible James Stewart (Oscar-nominated) is the logical choice because he will exist easy to manipulate and he won't rock the boat. Stewart, the leader of the Boy Rangers (a local camp association for youngsters), gets blind-sided by many high-ranking officials who have alterior motives (Oscar nominees Harry Carey and Claude Rains in particular) when his idea for a national boys' campsite goes by the wayside. Thus the merely thing left for Stewart is to beat those in charge by beating them at their own game---creating a filibuster (a never-ending governmental argument for his cause). Stewart is solid as always here and the supporters (dear interest/reporter Jean Arthur and drunkard newspaper man Thomas Mitchell included with the same players) are all terrific throughout. The Oscar-winning screenplay is deceptively intelligent and Capra simply had the uncanny power to mix comedy, drama and interpersonal characterizations together to make consistently wonderful American film experiences. v stars out of 5.

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8 /x

Shining a light on corruption

Frank Capra was an idealist for sure, simply he certainly was clear-eyed in seeing some of the darkest problems with humanity and its institutions. At the get-go of this flick, he shows us politicians who are firmly in the pocket of special interests, the degree to which is startling. A country governor (Guy Kibbee) is in charge of picking a new senator subsequently ane of the ii serving for his state has passed away, but it'due south immediately clear that he operates every bit a puppet for a big businessman (Edward Arnold), a guy whose clout got the governor his position, and at present who expects to call the shots equally payback. Nosotros see it as one of the cardinal problems of representative government in 1939, just equally it is today, then the film is highly, highly relevant.

Now information technology's laughable that the governor would become rogue and put the head of the Boy Rangers, Jefferson Smith (Jimmy Stewart), in there instead, based on the pleading of his children and a coin flip that lands on its border, only that's the premise of the film. Information technology'due south an obvious telephone call to make clean upwardly Washington, and become decent, upright people in there equally representatives, and in delivering this message, Capra does non attempt subtlety or realism. And I may likewise say it at present before I blubber on, information technology's laughable how the kids play the function they do later in the film too, and how the other senator (Claude Rains) behaves in the end. Perchance the film is pointing out that progress will always depend more on the next generation, and that ultimately it will crave those in ability to summon their sense of decency and stand up for what'south correct.

1 affair I dear is simply how reverentially Smith treats the job he'due south about to undertake. Outset of all, he knows it's not nigh him. He'southward also non sure how well he'll exercise, but says "I tin can promise you one thing: I'll do nothing to disgrace the office of United States Senator." Subsequently dropping off his crateful of pigeons (lol), we and then see him wide-eyed as he tours the landmarks of Washington DC. The shot Capra gets of him beneath the giant statue of Lincoln perfectly captures his humility, and others the deep respect he has for the institution he's going to serve. We go a heavy dose of the ideals the country aspires to, with shots of Lincoln's second inaugural address ("With malice toward none, with charity for all") and a recitation of a part of the Gettysburg address past a young male child, while his grandfather and an African-American man look on. It'due south quite flowery and may have the lip curling of every cynic who sees the film, thinking of all of the times America has done evil in the earth, just just about to head into WWII was not one of those times, and regardless, I can't assist but adore this scene. If only all of America'due south representatives went with a reverence for these ideals, respected the institutions from their hearts, and felt real humility and a need to not permit downwardly his or her constituents, or the leaders who came before them.

Everyone else is enlightened of how the system in Washington actually works though, including the other senator (Rains), his handler (Eugene Pallette), and his secretarial assistant (Jean Arthur). Heck, even the young page who shows him to his seat is savvier. Smith says to the male child, "I'm simply going to sit effectually and listen," meaning that he feels he has a lot to learn and shouldn't get in with guns blazing. The child answers "That's the way to become re-elected," reflecting how deep the cynicism of the process runs. Later information technology's parenthetically said that "You can't count on people voting. Half the fourth dimension they don't vote." These little bits are pointing out the same thing, that while we may decry the state of government, at the same time, to brand information technology better we demand to exist agile participants in information technology.

Stewart is fantastic in the picture show, with lots of memorable moments, such as when he nervously reads his proposal for a boys military camp on the senate floor, and then later when his eyes are opened to deep corruption, which includes his father'southward friend and mentor, Rains's character. When he takes the Senate floor to delay and angrily yells "No, sir, I will not yield!" it's a fine, fiery moment, with palpable tension betwixt the two men. I also love the softer scene with Arthur where he channels Walt Whitman in quoting his father, a human being who died fighting for the little guy and the costless press: "My dad had the correct idea. He had it all worked out. He said: 'Son, don't miss the wonders that surround you. Every tree, every rock, every anthill, every star is filled with the wonders of nature.' He said, 'Have you ever noticed how grateful you are to meet daylight after coming through a long dark tunnel? Well,' he said, 'always try to see life as if yous'd only come out of a tunnel.'"

Arthur turns in a solid performance with her character, who is also inspiring. She knows how congress operates, giving Stewart (and the viewer) a piffling tutorial, and then coaching him from the balcony. We see that her character is jaded, simply that in that location is still a glimmer of idealism in her, and also a healthy amount of disgust for politics. "You're half-way decent, y'all don't belong here," she tells Stewart. We run across both of these characters go through the inevitable response to the ugliness of politics - considering leaving the aggravation and frustration of it all, because information technology'due south the fight of an underdog to try to alter it, or to stay and fight, considering that's the only style anything will always change, and what not bad leaders have had to do too too. Equally this is a Capra film, yous can gauge which i of these paths they accept.

Information technology'south certainly an arduous path, as the political boss is incredibly powerful. In that location is existent evil, greed, and corruption here, and Arnold plays his part perfectly. The scene where he tries to get Smith to play brawl is reminiscent of Potter calling George Bailey into his office in 'It's a Wonderful Life,' and has a similar outcome. When Smith stands upward in revulsion, the boss immediately turns to Program B, which is vanquish him. He does what decadent and mendacious people in politics have always washed - he drums up charges of the very aforementioned things he is guilty of against those who oppose them. He also uses his power over the press to wage a misinformation and propaganda state of war. Perchance you'll recognize these patterns from the present twenty-four hour period.

The catastrophe is a little messy, and I would have liked it more than had Smith somehow been shown swaying the other senators with arguments and reason. How does 1 attain across the aisle and bridge such a gap of disagreement and entrenched special interests? However, I take to give the film credit for shining a low-cal on abuse in politics, and I loved how its truthful bulletin was so powerful that many offended politicians branded the pic as communist propaganda. Equally Smith says, what's needed in politics is "obviously, ordinary, everyday kindness. And a little looking out for the other beau likewise." Indeed.

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Capra & Stewart Make Information technology Work Very Well

Frank Capra and James Stewart were nearly unsurpassed at the task of taking the kind of story that is optimistic simply that borders on existence trite, and making it into a satisfying, worthwhile movie. In "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington", they reach this with a petty help from Jean Arthur, Claude Rains, and Edward Arnold. It'due south not quite on the level of "It'due south a Wonderful Life", only information technology is as skilful as virtually annihilation else of its kind.

Stewart'due south functioning is important right from the outset - hardly anyone else could have been believable as the hostage unknown who of a sudden becomes an important political effigy. Even his broad-eyed appreciation for what he sees in Washington comes beyond believably. As the story gets more complicated and his character is developed further, Stewart is even improve.

The secondary characters are as well important, because the story itself is a rather stylized, though still worthwhile, statement almost politics. The characters are more believable than are many of the plot developments. Rains contributes a lot every bit Stewart'southward troubled colleague, and Jean Arthur is a natural for this kind of role. Arnold plays his devious character well. Capra holds it all together with his craftsmanship, keeping the story on rails and getting the near out of the situation.

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x /10

drifts in and out of comedy and sincerity with the greatest of ease

It was a lot of fun watching Mr. Smith Goes to Washington in a class where the professor noted how this was the sort of movie that was of historical importance while non taking itself likewise seriously. And I recollect that's the way Frank Capra wanted it, in a sense. Perhaps in the time of 1939 America this movie was seen as being of merit to the American Government's due (though co-ordinate to the trivia, information technology was denounced at showing abuse and even banned for showing how democracy "works"). Just the managing director is too wanting to make an entertaining movie, of the kind of Hollywood appeal that brings 8-to-fourscore years olds in attendance. What had me interested throughout, particularly in that climactic, rousing twenty-minute sequence in the Senate with Jimmy Stewart'southward constant, united nations-faltering filibuster, is how it really is a patriotic kind of bravura to be shown on the screen. Hither is how it SHOULD exist washed, to an extreme maybe, in getting things done in government. But at the same fourth dimension, Capra keeps it entirely watchable with that group of kids up on the balustrade, keeping the audition laughing and grinning all the way through the dandy lines that Stewart says. "Dandy principles don't get lost once they come to light. They're correct here; you lot just have to run into them over again!" This is a kind of talent that I'm sure few other filmmakers at the time, or even afterward, could have pulled off.

The rest of the film isn't just Stewart's struggle to be heard every bit a immature, new-in-town senator. It's as well a witty, mostly true wait of how government tends to actually piece of work as opposed to how it should. Basically, the core of the story is the fish-out-of-water type, where Stewart's Jefferson Smith (i of his better Hollywood performances), leader of the Boy Rangers is chosen to be the senator of his land. He has a babyhood hero in boondocks in the class of a senior senator (Claude Rains, terrific as always). And in that location's fifty-fifty a woman (Jean Arthur) in the mix that'south growing an interest in him, at first dubious. But despite the corruption that is virtually thrust upon smith by Jim Taylor (Edward Arnold, as skilled a character thespian as could exist asked for), Smith fights it all the way to his concluding filibuster, which includes a reading from the Constitution, in-and-out cheers from the Boy Rangers, and full general guffaws from the other senators. In other words, it'due south actually much in that pure spirit of Frank Capra that 'Mr. Smith' is working in, and even at its cheesiest and sometimes nearly-dated moments, it'southward a very successful motion picture for what it wants to do. Information technology'due south really an equal-opportunity kind of picture about people in politics that should be able decades later to appeal to both the hopeful and the cynical, and information technology works as proficient every bit it does a comedy every bit it does a slice to testify in history of film or American authorities class.

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9 /10

A 40ft Dive into a Tub of H2o...

Xstal 27 September 2020

Accomplished, honest and heartfelt, this will reinspire you to believe in the goodness of people fifty-fifty though the messages conveyed by those in power these days suggest anything but. James Stewart plays the innocence and naivety required for the office to perfection while you can genuinely believe that Jean Arthur has really fallen for him for existent. The great Claude Reins fills the boots of the corrupt senator with ataraxy while Edward Arnold reminds us of a few of his type that are yet around today. Probably the best film you'll ever run across with the most mundane of titles.

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nine /10

Sure Information technology's Cheesy, But As well Oh And so Aspirational

Critics of "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" will call it cheesy, saccharine, and over-the-top in its character portrayals. Truth exist told, I really can't telephone call those critiques "wrong". But the thing is, this is such an endearing, aspirational film that I'm always able to expect past the cheese-gene and enjoy the performances and overall message.

For a very basic overview, 'Mr. Smith Goes To Washington" tells the story of Jefferson Smith (James Stewart), a wide-eyed, aww-shucks, country boy rube who gets nominated for a U. South. Senate seat in large part to be a directly-ticket voter for the political machine of Senator Joseph Paine (Claude Rains). Once in Washington, still, both get a rude enkindling: Smith discovers the graft in politics, while Paine begins to realize--to his horror--that Smith isn't just going to "tow the party line".

This movie remains an all-time classic for me because of the earnestness of its bulletin. Information technology isn't quite as perfect as Capra's more famous "Information technology's A Wonderful Life", just I do see similarities between the two pictures. Here, the story strikes such a simple--yet highly emotional--chord. Though deep down I think nosotros all realize that abuse and compromise are likely unavoidable aspects of politics, we like to cling to ideals of honesty and supreme integrity. That is precisely the journey that Smith takes viewers on. This isn't "politics as it is", but rather "politics equally we want it to exist", and I think there is equal room for both in politically-minded films.

Of course, casting Stewart is the cerise on top of all this. I'k non sure there has been a amend individual born to play the Jefferson Smith function. His stuttering, stammering, "golly gee whiz" routine is perfect, yet when the fries are down he delivers a filibuster monologue almost guaranteed to have you in tears. Rains is fine as the corrupt Senator and Jean Arthur has a overnice sidekick supporting role, but "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington" is memorable considering of Stewart. I very much liken his performance here to that of Henry Fonda'southward in "12 Angry Men". It's what nosotros all wish we could exist similar--only know we'll probably never quite get there.

The only reason I tin can't requite this a full 10 stars? It was made in 1939--or back when Hollywood didn't really know how to properly stop movies other than an emotional flourish and a fade to black. With a less-rushed, more than nuanced endgame, this one could take ascended fifty-fifty higher.

Overall, though, I consider this to be one of my favorite political films of all time. Make all the gritty, tough governmental thrillers you desire (I beloved some of those too!), just I hold steady that a more than aspirational, positive-minded effort like this isn't out-of-appointment or irrelevant simply because of that nature.

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10 /x

It works in a fashion no other movie could, There IS PROOF

Now, I must admit that this is one of my top 5 favorite films. There is a warmth, idealism, and kinda elementary feeling of hope, that makes i believe that things will work out in the end. Capra knew exactly what he wanted, and information technology shines. Jimmy Stewart, in the office of his life, makes us believe, what we know is virtually incommunicable in todays crass world.

Claude Rains is incredible as Senator Smith's evil mentor. Jean Arthur, as his confidant, plays the part so well,that we just want her to save the day.

The final scene, where the filibuster is taking place, is amid the greatest ever made.


In the early on 80s, I showed this moving picture, over three days, to a group of 15 year old inner city teenagers. I taught Political Science in a very difficult school in Chicago. Information technology was a new class, and not all of the "best" students took it.

I decided to evidence this film at the end of the year, just to see how long I could keep the students attending. I didn't expect much. Xv is a very tough age to keep any kind of attention span, and it was at the end of the solar day, ii:xxx -iii:15 pm. which made things worse. As the motion picture began, in that location was rustling in the seats, boredom, that famous oh what a waste of fourth dimension wait...Heed you, this is 43 year old moving picture, well-nigh a white Senator, in those "erstwhile" days, and beingness shown to a totally Afro-American crowd of 15 year olds, tardily in the day, (over a iii day period, which meant the students would have to wait till the next day to see what was going on. ..By the finish of the third day, Capra had worked his magic, and the entire class was spellbound past this film. They were in that location till the very end, and you could run across how much they enjoyed seeing a moving-picture show, that they wouldn't take looked at in a thousand years..Comments were wonderful. Any film that could achieve this, more than than 40 years after its conception, to a crowd that no 1 would believe would have whatsoever involvement in, deserves to be truly called a "slap-up film."

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Capra-corn but very watchable with some great performances...

Frank Capra's knack for getting the best out of JAMES STEWART and JEAN ARTHUR is demonstrated here with both stars giving superb performances. Ironically, Stewart would not win the Oscar for this role but was awarded one the following year for a bottom role in THE PHILADELPHIA STORY.

Every bit a bumbling, naive senator who is a lamb thrown to the wolves in Washington, D.C., Stewart does a fabulous job--although there are moments when his bumbling awkwardness looks a bit staged. Jean Arthur is a natural for the office of the wise secretary who at outset scorns his innocent ways simply soon comes to realize he'southward the real thing.

All of the supporting players are first-class--especially CLAUDE RAINS every bit a mentor to Stewart who finally has a conscience about deceiving him, and Harry Carey (the western actor) as the man with the gavel who presently realizes that Stewart is non to exist underestimated. His reaction shots, grinning and sometimes stifling a smiling, say more than words. He and Rains both deserved their supporting role nominations.

But, equally usual in a Capra motion-picture show, yous have to be willing to forgive some obvious plot contrivances or overall schmaltz. The catastrophe (when it finally comes after some excessive length in running time) is rather sharp equally though the director all of a sudden realized he'd gone overtime on the story. And some of the sentimentality (such every bit the scene where Arthur joins him at the Lincoln Memorial where she knew she'd find him), is hard to consume until y'all remind yourself that--hey, this is Capra-corn.

Notwithstanding, despite some flaws, it'southward the kind of comedy-drama virtually Washington, D.C. that only a director like Capra could make. And the replica of the Senate is amazingly detailed, as are all the interiors which were shot on a soundstage at Columbia. Information technology's likewise a nice lesson in how the Senate works, how bills have to become through committees, the rules of beliefs, filibustering, etc. It will leave you lot with a warm glow--somewhat like It'S A WONDERFUL LIFE in that respect.

Summing upwardly: It's Stewart's show all the way. He'due south at his peak hither.

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10 /x


Through a series of fortunate, and unfortunate, events, an unsophisticated local hero, Jefferson Smith, is appointed a US Senator. The people pulling the strings in his party and State figure that he will be compliant and malleable and basically stay out of the manner of their plans, some of which aren't entirely ethical, or legal. However, a well-intentioned human activity sets off a dramatic chain of events, a series of events that will see him at odds with his colleagues, with the shadowy, bullying powerbrokers and with the unabridged Senate.

Vivid movie from Frank Capra. While Capra also gave united states of america such groovy movies equally It's A Wonderful Life, See John Doe and Information technology Happened One Night, this is his greatest work. A superb indictment of politics and how democracy has been undermined and corrupted, told with the trademark Capra make of wholesomeness and practical idealism. Considering how politics has even further degenerated since 1939, even more relevant today than when information technology was released in 1939.

Clever, engaging plot that doesn't waiver for a second. Not an ounce of deadwood in the movie - every scene is perfect and of import. Some neat twists and turns and some neat tension towards the end as Smith struggles to preserve his name and ideals. Wonderful themes and morals too, every bit y'all would expect from Frank Capra.

Add together in some first-class performances, particularly from James Stewart in the lead part and Jean Arthur as Ms Saunders. Both received Oscar nominations, every bit did Harry Carey for playing the President of the Senate.

In all, Mr Smith Goes To Washington was nominated for 11 Oscars, including Best Picture, but won only one, for best original screenplay. Unfortunately for it, the 1940 Oscars belonged to a juggernaut known every bit Gone With The Wind...

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10 /10

Required viewing for anyone elected or appointed for public office.

Since the kickoff of the art form, movies have generally fallen into two categories: the realistic, and the fantastic (fantasy-based). There are some that point out that the films of Frank Capra unduly fall into the latter, that they are completely far-fetched and attached in their ain time, and fifty-fifty invented a pejorative term "Capra-esque" to describe whatever non-cynical, heartwarming picture that has a message. His peachy films, similar It Happened 1 Night, It'due south a Wonderful Life, and of course, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, however, are not fixed in a single era, only all eras, the truest definition of a classic. And considering it was released amid truthful powerhouses in 1939, a year as important to movies equally 1998 was to baseball, its ideals, story, and general excellence shine as bright today as information technology did over 60 years ago.

A Senator from an unnamed, middle America state dies and a new 1 must be appointed by Governor Hubert Hopper, a puppet whose strings are held by newspaper magnate Jim Taylor. They demand to find i that would exist easily controlled by the now-senior Senator Joseph Paine (played brilliantly past Claude Rains), and so a bill allowing a building of a dam near land past the Willett Creek owned by Taylor can laissez passer in the Senate. Afterward his initial choice is rejected by Taylor, and Taylor's handpicked human is shot down by the public, the governor chooses Jefferson Smith, played to perfection by James Stewart, a boy scout leader and local hero who is both wholly idealistic in his patriotism for America but naive and blind to the actual procedure. Afterwards he gets embarrassed by the local print media, Mr. Smith begins to larn the harsh realities of DC. Paine, Smith'south boyhood hero, takes him under his wing and suggests that Smith try to create a bill. Smith agrees, and with his assistant, Clarissa Saunders (played by Jean Arthur), they create a neb to create a campground for boys from all over the country to learn most each other and the borough process, much to the initial dissuasion past Saunders. Smith and so wants to choose a site near the Willett Creek, the same site where the dam is to exist built and when his superiors and truthful cord-pullers observe that out, major complications ensue.

Although the basic premise is David vs. Goliath, the story is wholly originally and was probably one of the earliest pictures to advise the authorities equally decadent. The characters are played excellently by all principal actors, with Mr. Smith yous root for whole-heartedly, Mr. Taylor you root against for his sheer arrogance and greed, and Mr. Paine, who you pity as you see a human who lost his initial zest to serve the public and is now a jaded shell of his former cocky. A great functioning was given by Harry Carey, Sr., who plays the Vice President/President of the Senate for comic relief. The lines where completely believable and the parts of Smith's final delay that were shown give the nigh touch. There is a beautifully shot scene with images of the monuments and sights of Washington with several national anthems synchronized every bit the score. The climax is as tension-packed equally drama tin get, and while the ending may seem rather sudden, and everything isn't completely or neatly resolved, it works perfectly and ends the movie on a happy notation.

Obviously, few if any people elected to public office has the moral character, conviction, and general skilful heartedness of Jefferson Smith, and I doubt whether the government would be meliorate if it was. The movie showed an ideal, a supposed "lost cause" of truth in government. And although it is next to impossible for Capra and the eternal good guy Jimmy Stewart to ever fully change the globe of politics with just a motion picture show, at least it shows that maybe in one case in a keen while, being the skillful guy has its definite rewards. If (using the same analogy of the 1998 baseball season) The Wizard of Oz and Gone With the Wind were the Marking McGwire and Sammy Sosa of 1939 moviemaking, and so this would be similar Cal Ripken voluntarily ending his Fe Homo Streak, something done with full course and the highest respect in listen, and that elevates an ideal of being the good guy and sticking to your dedication brings the greatest of riches. This moving picture is flawless in all respects and a true classic, with thought-provoking ideas, wit, a piddling bit of platonic romance, and an excellent cinematography and score, and deserves the rank as a 10 out of 10. And in giving this rating, either I'thou damn right or I'grand crazy.

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9 /10

A true classic that lives upwardly to it's reputation

Mr. Smith is every bit good as it'southward fable. Sometimes I'm disappointed when a universally acclaimed motion picture isn't as enjoyable as I thought it would exist. Simply here, that is not the case. James Stewart is deservedly remembered most for this function. That's maxim a lot given his impressive body of work. This is also Frank Capra'due south signature film along with Mr. Deeds. The idealism of Jefferson Smith might feel a bit anachronisitc today but, and I know this is a cliché, the world could use more people with his values. The supporting bandage is also spot on. Jean Arthur plays the same type equally she did in Mr. Deeds and Claude Rains is terrific equally the mentor who betrays Smith. Strongly recommended, 9/10.

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ten /10

The all-time motion picture of 1939, nigh a dear of honor that'due south gone with the air current.

Warning: Spoilers

For a film 88 years old and 14 presidents later, this film represents what is best about the United States and too a reminder what is wrong with it. I do find it difficult to option out the best picture out of the dozens of classics released in 1939, but of those 50 or 60, "Mr. Smith" remains the most prestigious with a message that resonates today. Like the dozens of classics in 1939, this has dozens of moments that are considered among the groovy scenes in film history.

Equally expert as best histrion winner Robert Donat was as "Mr. Chips", James Stewart is simply far better, going from naive country bumpkin handed a senate seat, his slow didactics to the corruption, his determination to accomplish something, the crooked obstacles he faces, and the explosion that opens his eyes to the evils standing in his way. Stewart displays many unlike sides to his character, merely one thing is clear: he isn't going to fall down and go boom without fighting.

This features an ensemble that rivals 1939's best movie winner, "Gone With the Wind", starting with Jean Arthur as his initially cynical assistant, Claude Rains every bit his long fourth dimension mentor, Edward Arnold every bit the power hungry money man (identical to his powerful Nazi like autocrat in "Run into John Doe", Guy Kibbee as the governor of Stewart's home state, and Beulah Bondi (in a office she would play many times) as Stewart'due south mother. Ruth Donnelly as Kibbee's no nonsense married woman, Charles Lane every bit a nosy reporter and Thomas Mitchell every bit Arthur's confidante are also quite practiced. The surprise for me is Harry Carey as the speaker of the house who says more with a bang of his gavel and all knowing smiling than the rest of the cast does with Robert Riskin'due south brilliant words.

Manager Frank Capra has been nicknamed the inventor of "Capra Corn", a clarification of the stories of Cinderella men who rose above their naivete to fight injustice. Rains is described as a villain in this, but he'due south a villain with a soul, ane who forgot why he got into public service in the starting time place, assuasive himself to be manipulated and controlled at the expense of his soul. Stewart's desire to have a boy's campsite funded blocks pending bills of Rains and several others, and this results in some violently shocking deportment, culminating in the famous filibuster sequence.

I believe in fighting for lost causes, so this film means a lot for me. This flick means more to me at present than information technology did upon my outset viewing of it some 30 years agone. Memories of a family unit trip to Washington D.C. when I was a boy and a return for a march for a supposed lost crusade make the big eyed grins of the young pages and visiting boy scouts all the more than emotional. Seeing this flick in a chaotic time makes information technology all the more than memorable, and even with elementary, supposedly dated, American values, shows that modern values are as decadent as the almost sinister of political bigwigs that control the government backside the scenes.

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8 /ten

Politics, the politics never change

A senator suddenly dies and a replacement needs to exist named. The other senator for the state, Joseph Paine (Claude Rains), forth with Jim Taylor (Edward Arnold), his corrupt man of affairs backer, make up one's mind to proper noun a truly surprising candidate, i Jefferson Smith (James Stewart). He's meant to be null more than than a seat warmer so that Paine and Taylor can push through a new piece of legislation concerning a dam, meant to make them filthy rich. Unfortunately Mr. Smith is something they've rarely seen and are utterly incapable of understanding: a skillful and honest homo. And a boy scout to kicking.

The flick is corny and filled with desolation. Phrases like "the American dream", "truth and honesty", "reliability", and and so many like those, get thrown around all the time. Politicians are nothing more than than hungry jackal fatty cats, aiming to filch the hard-earned pennies of the good American people. True mode of life is to exist found exterior, on the prairies where grass leans on the current of air. On the mountains reflected against the noon sun. I could experience my spleen turning reddish, white and blue as I watched this motion-picture show.

And yet, despite all that, the film is magnificent. Perhaps it'south because 'It's a Wonderful Life', another film from manager Frank Capra, also stars Stewart, only for some reason or other this film reminds me of Christmas. Because Christmas is also corny and filled with pathos. It is. But it's also the all-time time of the yr. When it's okay to be a bit sentimental. Or a lot sentimental. When it'due south okay to remind ourselves of the values we all hold dear, but which we normally don't talk about because it's seen as embarrassing.

Hopefully people even so scout this motion picture. Because even though it's old, and corny, and sentimental, and fifty-fifty a scrap featherbrained, it's values, themes and lessons are as relevant today as they were back and then. Perhaps even more so.

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9 /10

Sadly Even so Super Relevant Today...

(Wink Review)

...from both sides of the isle. Smith, a immature pocket-sized town, morally honest, gentleman is given a senate seat due to a unique situation. Upon his arrival to the nation'due south capital, he is amazed and in awe of the history upon which the U.s.a. has been formed as he wanders the national monuments. Quickly he becomes angered by the misleading printing articles after he dips his toe into political waters. He besides learns of the lack of expertise of congressmen and the process it takes to really pass a law. Getting his feet wet with his first harmless beak proposal comes in straight conflict with a program a few corrupt congressmen accept been planning. Looks similar this is shaping up for an honest man up confronting established and scheming congressmen who are heavily influenced from outsiders. Stewart carries the picture as his emotions range from frustration, pleading, acrimony to burnout of trying to bear witness an honest bespeak. I imagine the inner workings of congress today every bit even more than frustrating and bewildering.

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ten /10

Mr. Smith-Where are You? Practise We Need You lot Today? ****

James Stewart was simply magnificent in this memorable classic of a dedicated immature politician who is appointed to the senate following the decease of his state'southward senator.. He wants to do what is best for his constituents. He soon learns that in Washington this is not to be the case. Corruption, patronage et al are alive and well and functioning.

Edward Arnold, in a supporting role, is fabulous as the one-time fashion political dominate. The Stewart character represents what nosotros need equally leaders to run this great nation of ours. Some existent scene stealing is done by Claude Rains every bit the other state'south senator who has get corrupt. His temperament is perfect for the part. His seething by guilt and his denunciation of his swain senator shows depth in acting. His burst at the end of the picture is totally memorable. He claims that he has compromised to go what he wants. How far from the truth this really is! Jean Arthur, as the secretarial assistant in the know, is truly fabulous as well. Newspapers can learn from this film. They should. Censorship nonetheless exists in 2006.

Retrieve that neat filibuster scene? Stewart acted his heart out. Though he lost the coveted Oscar here, the Academy rewarded him the following year for the one-act "The Philadelphia Story."

This moving picture should be a definite pre-requisite for students in political science classes.

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x /x

Mr. Smith learns about politics the hard way

What a wonderful film. What an exaggerated, corny, fantastic, beautifully acted, exciting, wonderful film.

"Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" is a classic for good reason. It reinforces qualities that many of united states accept lost along the way: idealism, stiff, unshakable conventionalities, never quitting, honesty, and delivery. Today, patriotism and "American values" have taken on another connotation. They have go the belongings of the right wing. But in that location isn't anything wrong with the kind of patriotism and American values expressed by Jefferson Smith, which are unlike from what is existence expressed today.

Is anyone today as idealistic equally Mr. Smith was when he first came to Washington? Can one really win against a powerful force like the Taylor automobile? As one who was involved in a legal case where the other side had all the clout and all the money, I sadly have to answer that I don't recall and so. In the real world, as Court TV has taught united states, things don't work that way. Is anyone every bit corrupt as Senator Paine and Jim Taylor? Sadly, I'd accept to say probably. Would they ruin anyone who got in their way? Yes. Have they? Definitely.

"Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" is a fantasy, but it'south a fantasy that uplifts us and reminds us of what nosotros could be and, like Jean Arthur says in the pic, perhaps being jaded isn't such a good idea all the time.

James Stewart had the role of a lifetime, and he was perfect. Homespun, intelligent, boyishly good-looking, his career and tremendous popularity even today speak for themselves. His filibuster scenes are incredible, passionate, and strong. Nosotros were lucky we had him as long as we did. At that place will never be another. Jean Arthur was fabulous in her function as a streetwise assistant who finds something to believe in. Claude Rains, as the unlikable, weak Senator Paine, gives a powerful performance. The bad guys - and Capra always makes sure they're real bad - were all great. Equally for Harry Carey, the sympathetic speaker, you want to hug him. A fantastic chore.

Frank Capra knew how to make movies. The pace is swift, the story strong, and the scenes tense and exciting. I gets caught upwardly in the world he fashions. A shame it isn't existent.

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ten /x

an honest film

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is a wonderful film most a man Jeff Smith (James Stewart) who believes that children are the hereafter and should exist able to enjoy the outdoors, while taking in knowledge of their great Country. When a senator dies in Smith'south land, the governor is forced into an awkward position of electing the new senator. While the governor is sitting downward to dinner, his immature children advise the idea of Jeff Smith who is head of the Boy Rangers and prints a weekly newspaper for the local children. Mr. Smith is elected into role in the funniest way, a coin toss.

When Mr. Smith arrives in Washington with his colleague Mr. Pain, (Claude Rains) he is amazed past all the greatness that Washington possesses. After existence sworn into the Senate Mr. Smith comes up with idea to propose a Pecker that would permit boys come together and enjoy the wilderness, and the perfect spot would exist in his abode boondocks next to a creek. What he doesn't know is that his colleague Mr. Pain has his ain plans with that same country. The picture then releases the total fury of what decadent politicians can do to a true man.

The plot of the moving picture volition grab the viewer within the outset 5 minutes and will not let go until the astonishing finish. Even though this type of affair is implausible information technology'due south however very funny and unique in its own fashion.

The interim was superb! James Stewart will always represent the good guy trying to brand his way through life in an honorable mode. Claude Rains character was perfect for him, a expert human being gone bad by the power of politics. Jean Arthur'south character was something that isn't unremarkably seen in the movies. She played an ambitious adult female trying to go to the acme without anyone's help, simply is even so the not bad old fashioned woman she was born to be. James Stewart and Jean Arthur were very charismatic together. There could not have been a amend pair.

The lighting in the movie was great in 2 scenes when Mr. Smith is at the Washington memorial the lite shines on sentences of the constitution that added a lot to the emotion of the character and helped set the tone for the scene.

This is a archetype picture show that should be recognized and cherished forever. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is a great picture show for the whole family, the film is not only captivating and genuine but at that place is also a moral in the story. Definitely a x out of ten, and should be part of your home video library.

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8 /10

Still packs an emotional punch almost 80 years later

It'southward interesting how Mr. Smith Goes to Washington feels and so dated and notwithstanding so relevant at the aforementioned fourth dimension. This motion picture itself feels like Jefferson Smith, naively striding into the homes of the cynical and skeptical modern public, only to show that it does, indeed have something of import to offer. This movie notwithstanding packs an emotional dial virtually 80 years after information technology was made and information technology's easy to meet why information technology's a classic.

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nine /10

"Either I'm dead right, or I'thou crazy!"

Patriotic, stirring, uplifting, absolutely mesmerizing… Hither are just a few words that can be used to describe Frank Capra'south bright 1939 film, 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.' Bringing together a stellar cast of both fresh and seasoned actors, Capra manages to reach into each of our chests, and wrench about painfully at our heartstrings.

Jefferson Smith (James Stewart, 'Information technology'south A Wonderful Life'), is a young, enthusiastic patriot who resides in an unnamed American state, but is known throughout it (most specially by the young boys of the region) every bit an unsung hero. Head of the Boy Rangers, Smith has a love of his country and of nature, once quenching a potentially devastating forest burn down single-handedly. After the unexpected death of a current Senator, Governor Hubert Hopper (Guy Kibbee) is forced to choose a replacement. Whilst his corrupt political boss, Jim Taylor (Edward Arnold), urges him to appoint a handpicked stooge, Hopper surprisingly decides to follow the confident advice of his own children, application the task to Smith.

Smith arrives in Washington, excited and idealistic, no doubt modestly considering himself to be unsuitable for such a prestigious position. He is proud to accompany the other current state Senator, Joseph Harrison Paine (Claude Rains, 'Notorious'), a highly-esteemed man who was once great friends with Smith's father. Unbeknownst to Smith, still, Paine had long ago abandoned his political ideals, seduced by the hope of power and political longevity to brand "certain compromises." Whilst Smith works tirelessly to submit a neb regarding the creation of a national boy's military camp at Willet Creek, which he hopes volition teach a new generation the value of freedom and liberty, the devious Paine schemes to dam that same locality, an act that volition serve nobody but the power-hungry Jim Taylor. When Paine's contemptuous secretary, Clarissa Saunders (Jean Arthur), informs Smith of these plans, he determinedly attempts to speak his mind, only to be quashed by the omnipotent "Taylor Machine."

Frank Capra, who had previously supplied Columbia Pictures Corporation with two Academy Award Best Picture winners ('It Happened Ane Night,' 1934 and 'You Can't Take It With You,' 1938), again proved his undeniable genius, something he would continue to do throughout his flick-making career. One oft-cited example involves the romantically-awkward Smith'south 2nd encounter with Paine'south beautiful girl, Susan (Astrid Allwyn). Rather than focusing on faces, as would exist the typical style for such a scene, Capra keeps the camera firmly on Smith'southward hat, as he restlessly shuffles it betwixt his fingers, frequently dropping it to the floor and stooping to reclaim it. This shot tells us more about Smith than whatsoever facial close-up ever could!

Finally, James Stewart is unquestionably brilliant as the young, idealistic Smith, in one of his beginning critically recognised roles. The expect of absolute awe and wonderment on his confront upon outset witnessing the Capitol Dome appears truly 18-carat, despite the fact that Stewart was merely acting against a projection. For his highly memorable delay speech at the climax of the motion picture, Stewart dried out his throat with bicarbonate of soda to make himself sound hoarse, an act that could potentially accept destroyed his afterwards ability to speak. Every bit we witness Jefferson Smith, ragged and exhausted, determinedly continuing to shout hoarsely at the Senate members, we immediately understand that his voice is reaching much, much further. He is not just shouting at the Senate, but he is shouting at the people; he is shouting at his country; he is shouting at us. And we are right there alongside him, quietly urging him forth.

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10 /10

Still Relevant

Few films succeed in being relevant a decade or two after its release, but Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is still relevant 77 years subsequently, especially in a voting twelvemonth with questionable candidates.

Before Frank Capra ventured into his war propaganda films in the early-to-mid xl's, he made some of the most important and acclaimed films of all time. In back to back years he directed the 1938 sleeper hit, Yous Tin't Have it With Yous, and the classic Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Capra carried some of the same cast members over to the ladder, as Jimmy Stewart, Jean Arthur, and Edward Arnold are amidst the many who acted in both films. Standing with the tradition of Capra'southward other works, Mr. Smith deals with a common man taking on big ideas and ideals, but to be close down past those more powerful and privileged.

This was the film that really showed the earth what Stewart could practice. Even though I have seen tons of his films, this 1 stands out as some of his finest acting and most demanding roles of his filmography. He was always great at playing an every-homo and someone you can undeniably root for, and Jeff Smith is a defining function for him. Smith represents the audience in going along for this political ride and I loved the way Stewart gave the character a certain amount of innocence and vulnerability while likewise displaying a graceful and powerful presence as well.

Having wonderful chemistry in You Tin can't Take it With You, it's no surprise that Stewart and Arthur'due south work together here is just as good, if not meliorate. Arthur plays Clarissa Saunders, who manages to keep Smith adrift fifty-fifty though he's constantly swept away by Washington and all of the extra perks for beingness in the Senate. It's as well not a forced romance, like a lot of 30's films, it takes a while for it to be developed as its handled with intendance. Arthur may very well be the best romantic partner Stewart e'er had.

1939 was a fantastic twelvemonth for moving picture, with Wizard of Oz and Gone With the Wind also being released. Just perhaps no flick from that year is nevertheless as relevant as Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Capra covers the film with patriotism with cute shots of Washington D.C. and a patriotic vocal hither or there, but its his pace into a pessimistic style of filmmaking that's most intriguing hither. The terminal xxx minutes with Stewart giving an Oscar worthy performance and Capra seamlessly twisting the story into unpredictable territories is truly something special.

+Stewart condign the Stewart we all honey

+Arthur is marvelous

+Capra's balanced directing


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10 /10

Frank Capra'southward magnum opus - a searing indictment of politics, even more relevant today than in 1939

Through a series of fortunate, and unfortunate, events, an unsophisticated local hero, Jefferson Smith, is appointed a US Senator. The people pulling the strings in his party and Land figure that he will be compliant and malleable and basically stay out of the mode of their plans, some of which aren't entirely ethical, or legal. However, a well-intentioned human action sets off a dramatic chain of events, a series of events that volition run into him at odds with his colleagues, with the shadowy, bullying powerbrokers and with the unabridged Senate.

Brilliant motion-picture show from Frank Capra. While Capra also gave us such great movies as It'due south A Wonderful Life, Meet John Doe and Information technology Happened I Nighttime, this is his greatest work. A superb indictment of politics and how democracy has been undermined and corrupted, told with the trademark Capra brand of wholesomeness and practical idealism. Because how politics has even further degenerated since 1939, fifty-fifty more than relevant today than when it was released in 1939.

Clever, engaging plot that doesn't waiver for a second. Not an ounce of deadwood in the movie - every scene is perfect and important. Some slap-up twists and turns and some groovy tension towards the end as Smith struggles to preserve his proper noun and ideals. Wonderful themes and morals likewise, as you lot would expect from Frank Capra.

Add together in some fantabulous performances, especially from James Stewart in the lead office and Jean Arthur as Ms Saunders. Both received Oscar nominations, equally did Harry Carey for playing the President of the Senate.

In all, Mr Smith Goes To Washington was nominated for 11 Oscars, including Best Picture show, but won only one, for best original screenplay. Unfortunately for information technology, the 1940 Oscars belonged to a juggernaut known as Gone With The Wind...

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8 /x

Naive And Cynical At The Same Time

You have to appreciate a movie that manages to be both hopelessly naive and bitingly cynical at the same time, and that still manages to make everything piece of work. The nifty strength of this motion picture is James Stewart in the role of the newly appointed (much to his surprise) Senator Jefferson Smith, sent to Washington past his unnamed land'southward governor to fill a vacancy created by the death of the incumbent. Of course, Smith wasn't actually appointed by the Governor. The Governor (and Smith's senior Senator) were just tools of the state political machine - a part Smith is expected to fulfil. Merely he'south ill suited to the job. Jefferson was the leader of the Boy Rangers, who'south spent his adulthood instilling into the boys pride in America and democracy and who isn't almost to requite in when he stumbles across corruption beingness planned by the car, which then sets out to destroy him as quickly as it made him.

Stewart was nifty in this role. His wide-eyed wonder at seeing Washington for the beginning fourth dimension; his social awkwardness and shyness; his genuine humility (non believing that he belongs in the Senate); and finally his growing contempt for the decadent system he discovers - these are all portrayed absolutely perfectly by Stewart. The moving picture is his, backed past a strong supporting bandage - but it's his.

The mix of naivete and pessimism might seem an bad-mannered fit, but it worked surprisingly well. The portrayal of life on the floor of the Senate was also interestingly shown. The "scandal" Smith gets embroiled in (equally he's framed by the automobile) plays out far too quickly to exist believable, and all the same yous experience his ache and despair over his reputation beingness attacked and his honesty called into question. In an age in which attack-style politics is now the accepted norm, it was nice to run into the decent, honest guy who just wants to do what's right triumph against the corrupt mud-slingers. This is a very enjoyable flick.

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9 /10

Educational and courageous - Stewart at his finest.

Jimmy Stewart stars as Jefferson Smith, the leader of the Boy Rangers who was appointed by Governor Hopper (Guy Kibbe) as a new U.S. senator for his state. Realizing him having no prior political experience and his naivety, Hopper thought that Smith would be easy to dispense. Once in Washington, Smith discovers the downsides of the political process as his first piece of legislation he introduced, producing a national boys' campsite, leads to a conflict with state political boss Jim Taylor. Taylor tries to decadent Smith then attempts to destroy his reputation through a scandal, hoping to lead to his expulsion from the Senate. In on the scheme is the kleptomaniacal Senator Joseph Paine (Claude Rains).

Having beginning watched this film in a college government class, this movie is both educational and fascinating. Yous get to learn part of the legislative process of the U.South. Senate, including introduction of bills, the committee process and the delay. And, you get to meet a good piece of movie house work with a captivating story and superb acting, from the corrupted Jim Taylor and Senator Paine concocting their scheme for political gain to the courageous Senator Smith trying to beat the political car to seek the truth and fight for his constituents. Having the odds stacked against him, Smith presses on, showing the audition that even in a machine equally large or tainted every bit the U.South. Senate or whatsoever other political institution could still yield a man of integrity and honesty. At the same time, you get to run across the U.Due south. Senate in activeness, letting us meet the political powerhouses as they fence the laws that will eventually affect our land.

Even for a drama-genred golden oldie that is over two hours long, Director Frank Capra actually kept the plot's momentum going stiff and screen writers Sidney Buchman, Lewis R. Foster, and Myles Connolly wrote a fascinating script that really attracts the audience's attention. I thoroughly enjoyed this motion-picture show - it is highly recommended.

Grade A

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